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Pray for the people of Nicaragua

Previous Mission team to Nicaragua in May, 2008. I am forwarding my email from today from Ange and Ronnie in Nicaragua updating us on their current situation in the villages their mission serves. I know you all remember our time in Nicaragua and our visit to their mission. I am also attaching part of my September newsletter from them showing their projects in the River Bocay which are under threat by Hurricane Eta.

 “Peanut” was a premie baby when we visited. She is now a teenager! She lives with Ange and Ronnie, but her parents and younger sister do come to visit. I remember at the time of our visit, the only way to reach Peanuts village was by horseback!! Please include the people of Nicaragua in your prayers including the villages Gwen took us to!! Many others from church may remember Ange when she visited CUMC  while serving as a nurse practitioner thru Red Bird Mission in the Appalachia Mountains. Steve and I spent a week volunteering there with them back in 2004,  Thus our close connection to them. Gil, please share the people of Nicaragua in the prayer list. Shalom, Sandy 


Good morning, We want to give you a little update on what is happening here with Hurricane Eta.  We are having frequent power outages so will keep this short for now. Yesterday, the hurricane hit the Atlantic side of Managua (we are on the Pacific coast) as a Cat 4 hurricane and left a path of destruction along the coastal towns; the high winds tore off roofs and downed telephone poles and trees.   It is now moving slowly across the northeastern part of Nicaragua.  Estimates of rainfall are between 15-40 inches of rain. At the moment, it is totally calm here in Managua, except for the lights going off several times an hour.  During the night, there was some rain and very heavy winds.  The mayor's offices are monitoring the local barrios, including Mira Luz.  If they are threatened by flooding, many families will be evacuated. Our concern has been for the communities on the River Bocay.  Yesterday we lost contact with them but this morning Harry was able to reach Pastor Romero, Eldon and Wilberto in Kayaskita.  They are experiencing high winds and rain.  Some trees have come down but so far the clinic has not been damaged.  The river is coming out of its banks and a few families had to be moved.  In Ayapal (mouth of the river), the water has also risen so high that families are being evacuated.  We have not been able to reach the community of Siviwas IV, which is where Peanut's family lives and where the latest school is nearing completion. We have received so many notes of concern and prayer and are so thankful for this.  We ask that you please continue with your prayers.  The biggest concern for Nicaragua continues to be flooding and possible landslides.  As we hear from more of the communities, we will keep you posted. Thankful for you! Ronnie, Angi & Peanut





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