July 13, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Reconciling God, Some days we want to pray but find that words evade us. We are overcome with sorrow over the state of our world, our country, and our homes. We are discouraged. We are angry. We are disappointed. We are tired. We know we can dobetter. We know we can be better. We just don’t know if there is strength or fight left in us to make the necessary life-giving change happen. Instead of building bridges, we build walls that shut down dialogue, and inhibit communication. We stop talking. We stop listening. We stop believing that we can make a difference or that we can make change happen. Then a hymn of old breaks into our reverie. We are reminded of Your mind-blowing love and grace revealed to us in Jesus. Help us to remember the one who is the very image of Love. Love that healed and heals us still. Help us remember the love that reconciles us to You, to one another and to the world. Help us claim what has already been accomplished in Christ and live as instruments of your redeeming and restoring love. May our lives be a Christ hymn that celebrates God’s transforming power in us and through us. In Jesus name, we pray. By Rev. Wanda Santos-Perez, Seacoast District Superintendent Based on Colossians 1:15-28