April 13, 2022
A daily prayer from the New England Conference
Members of the New England Conference Extended Cabinet are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Wednesday of Holy Week is known as Spy Wednesday because of the actions of Judas Iscariot. This prayer is based on Luke 22:1-6. O God, we confess our sins to you. We have been afraid of what others think. We've lived lives filled with good intentions, but lack of action. And other times we do the very things we don't want to do, harming those we love. We are complicit. We have failed in our loyalty to you. We have deserted those we care about in their time of need. Give us the strength to stand up for what is right. Help us to remain steadfast. Amen. If you feel moved to help the people of Ukraine in their time of need, I encourage you to support the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. UMCOR is helping those internally displaced in Ukraine as well as the refugees that have fled to Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. Learn how you can make a gift By Rev. Megan Stowe, Superintendent, Commonwealth West District