November 26, 2020
A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis
During these difficult days, members of the Granite District of the New England Conference are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week.
You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today's Prayer
Prayer based on Psalm 80:1-7
Gracious and Loving God on this day of Thanksgiving let your face shine upon us. We pray knowing that you, O God, are the source of life and giver of grace. Restore us to be communities of faith seeking to serve you in these times of turmoil.
In the midst of dark times turn the light of your face upon us that we may be restored, bring us back to you, O God.
We pray this day that you deliver us from simply desiring to go back to normal but rather to see the blessings that have come through these days. May we continue to seek ways to connect with all who have been separated from the sacred space of sanctuaries. Remind us Lord, that we are the body of Christ, remind us that each person is essential to this body.
In the midst of changing times turn the light of your face upon us that we may be restored, bring us back to you, O God.
On this Thanksgiving Day give us creative hearts to embrace and carry forward your message of truth and love. Grant that we may come to each day with open eyes that we may be more available to the needs of those most vulnerable and those who have been giving their whole self to being care givers and first responders.
In the midst of caring times turn the light of your face upon us that we may be restored, bring us back to you, O God.
You, O God, have given us the gift of life that we may be your messengers of love. May we spend each day laboring to be an example of your love as we strive to seek justice and peace for all whether in our home, in our community or around the world.
In the midst of loving times turn the light of your face upon us that we may be restored, bring us back to you, O God.
We give thanks for your constant presence with us no matter what comes our way. Be with us Lord as we navigate daily life in a new way, trying to see the goodness that surrounds us rather than the turmoil. This is restoration Lord of soul and spirit.
May the light of your face restore us and give us peace.
We pray in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer by Pastor Sue Davidson, Center Conway UMC, Center Conway, NH, Granite District