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A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis for February 19, 2021

Feb. 19, 2021

A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis

During these difficult days, members of the New England Conference Board of Ordained Ministry are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.

Today’s prayer

Gracious God of love who exceeds all understanding – hear the prayers of our pain, our fears and the anxious callings we share across all faiths and perspectives. We need your strength and your understanding shared among all peoples across the small dominion amidst your vast universe – a place we call, Mother Earth. The pandemic storm has affected all people and all places. Help us to recognize that behind every storm is the calm of the day when the winds die down, the waters recede, and the heavens open up as the darkened clouds part to your glorious presence as we bask in the warmth of the world you created.

Let us hear the joys unfolding from our knowledge of the life we understand challenged by a life form not fully understood but which is slowly coming into focus as we begin to solve the mysteries of the pandemic that surrounds us. As the travails of the past year become history, let us savor the shift from darkness to light – a light that illuminates the realities that surround us. Give all of us individually and collectively the understanding that we are stronger together even when we are apart. Guide us toward a shared path, an illuminating light of understanding and a common course of direction that extends our healing as a nation and as a global community across all lands, all peoples and all perspectives through the strength of your guiding spirit. Help us to open our arms to not only embrace those in need but also to feel their pain. Open our ears so that we may hear them. Open our eyes so that we can see them. Shine brightly on those in need, the injured, the maimed, the disabled, those without resources and, those with pain or suffering we don’t even see.

And, finally, Gracious God, keep us calm and in the moment as we sit in silence with our thoughts for you. Let us feel your presence in the beat of our hearts as we add our personal prayers at this moment [Add your silent prayers]. Help us – Oh Loving God – to feel that not only are we part of you but, you are part of us. Infuse in us adaptability and acceptance, coupled with expertise and experience, applied with intelligence and integrity through a labor of love for all of humanity because of your warm embrace. We offer our prayers with intention and integrity to our common challenges derived from our common weakness so that we may reach common strength through a common understanding of our future together with your guidance and strength. We offer these prayers in common accord for all humanity. Amen. Kevin Fickenscher, MD, member of First UMC, Portsmouth, NH

1 Comment

Marilyn Pelletier
Marilyn Pelletier
Feb 19, 2021

What a beautiful prayer for all of us. Sometimes when we don't now what to pray I find these prayers help me make it through the day.


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