Feb. 10, 2021
A daily prayer during this COVID-19 crisis
During these difficult days, members of the New England Conference Board of Ordained Ministry are sharing a daily prayer based on the Revised Common Lectionary for the week. You are welcome to use these in worship or in your own devotions.
Today’s prayer
Transfigured Beloved God, Here I am — Your Child. Am I Beloved? The days are long The months are short What am I to say? To pray? I am terrified. Well, sometimes. Sometimes I’m just bored. Often I’m overwhelmed. Am I Beloved? Even when I can’t handle it anymore? Even when I wish I could escape it all? Emotions rage, to-do lists totter. They tell us to be still. I am restless. I believe! Help my unbelief! Transform me! So that I can rest in You. And know that You are God. My refuge and strength. I hear your voice: “Beloved little one, You are enough. Peace. Be still. Know that I am God. Know that there is nothing you can do Or not do To separate yourself from being My Beloved Child.” By Rev. Rachel Fraumann, Hedding UMC, Barre, VT Based on Mark 9:2-9; References to Psalm 46, Mark 9:24, Mark 4:39, Romans 8:35-39