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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, September 15

Ezekiel 37:1-10

verse 3: He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “O Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Ezekiel’s faith is awesome- can you imagine being led to a massive collection of dried up human bones? Ezekiel is then asked his opinion- asked by God- can these bones live? Ezekiel answers directly to God- “you alone know.” And God proceeds to put the bones together and breathes life into them. I am pretty sure I would have run for my life the second those bones began to move. But Ezekiel stays with God, waiting for his instructions. God lets him know His plans for Israel, and tells Ezekiel what to say to the people. If I could only be so courageous and so faithful- it is more than I can honestly imagine. But I can try- I can look to God more quickly, more often, and with more courage. I can listen more carefully, more often, and with an open heart. I can be courageous and bold with God on my side. Psalm 138:3 -When I called, you answered me. You made me bold and stouthearted. Thank you, Lord. Amen

Becky, transforming

pic by Kay

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Unknown member
15. Sept. 2020

20200915 Tue, Daily Devotion - Ezekiel 37:1-10

I saw a transformation process by restoring the breath of God from dry bones (v.2) to living bones (v.5) and to a great army (v.10). Looking at my daily life, I found the status of dry bone, live bone, and a strong and faithful soldier of the army of God. The key factor of the restoring process is to input the breath of God into the dry bones. God said,

“Dry bones, listen to the Word of the Lord! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!”

The way of making dry bones alive is to listen to the Word of God. We can't restore the dead spiritual…

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
15. Sept. 2020

Ezekiel 37: 1-10

At God’s Instructions  Ezekiel prophesied breathe and spirit into dry bones and they came to life and stood on their feet an exceedingly great army. When  Ezekiel saw that sight I can only imagine that  he must have been so thrilled that he had obeyed God. This sounds like a script from a horror movie ready to open up at Halloween!    Ezekiel knew marvelous things had happened  as a results of obeying God, but surely obeying him in this situation must have been radical and I mean radical faith. Could any situation that seems dead, a lifeless marriage , long term illness, ongoing financial problems and debt be revived to become an area of strength not weakness. I…

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15. Sept. 2020

Ezekiel 37:1-10

This famous passage, basis for the Sunday school song many of us grew up with, is the perfect image of what Paul described as being dead to sin and alive in Christ. We are transformed from dead dry bones, the result of a human life of sin to a multitude for Jesus with robust bodies into which eternal life Has been breathed by the Holy Spirit.

Prayer - Renewing God, even as a believer I encounter places where dry bone lie in rebuke of my faith. Never let me lose sight of the Spirit’s power to transform those moments into a vision of the army of saints that have come before me and on whose shoulders I stand…

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