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A Daily Devotion for Tuesday, May 9

Writer: ontrakkontrakk

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.

Paul is telling the people of the church of Corinth to be very careful, and not to follow false teachers. I am assuming when this was written, it was clear to his audience just who he was referring to. But we can learn from this letter, as well. Whenever we run into something or someone which teaches or leads us in a direction which makes us uncomfortable, we always have the Holy Spirit to turn to for guidance. I believe God will give us the wisdom to know in which direction to turn. God ultimately wants us to make the right choice, so I am confident discernment is there for us when we need it.

Holy Lord, thank you for leading and guiding me. Help me to remember to always turn to you first when I am confused or feeling unsure. Amen

Becky, transforming



Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
May 09, 2023

Tuesday, March 9th,2023

2 Corinthians 11:13-15

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end

will correspond to their deeds

Paul warned the Corinthian church not to believe everything they hear. Satan pretends that he is an angel of light in order to deceive people. False teachers do the same thing. They disguise themselves as servants of God when in reality they are not. We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so we may be rewarded for our works according to wha…


Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
May 09, 2023

2 Corinthians 11:13–15

This is a warning for us today, not just the church at Corinth. If we pay attention to Christ’s teachings as we study our Bibles, we should be better able to discern who we should follow and who we should not. There are many false prophets around us– some with mega churches and thousands of followers. We need to concentrate on Jesus and his followers and the Holy Spirit to find the right path.

Prayer: gracious God, may my time with your words better prepare me to follow you and not those sent by Satan. Amen


May 09, 2023

2 Corinthians 11:13-15 This passage is quite sobering, especially in the current environment that so remarkably resembles first-century Corinth in many ways. Most false teachers are easy to recognize, but what about those who do good works, teach in seminaries and serve as clergy in churches? If God’s gift of spiritual discernment tells you that the person preaching in the pulpit of your church is masquerading as an angel of light, your must act as you see fit. Scriptural truth can be uncomfortable, but it cannot be altered to suit the cultural fads and fancies of the day.

Prayer - God of truth and mercy, I pray that my senses are always alert to those who reject Your truth while claiming…


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