Mark 7:31-37
verse 32: There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man.
Jesus heals this man, who is then able to hear and to speak. When I read this today I think about all of the people of those times. They must have had many, many needs. Every one of the people around Jesus undoubtedly had something in their heart they wanted to ask for from Jesus. But they brought their friend, putting his needs in front of their own. Perhaps this was part of what Jesus was rewarding.
Father God, When I pray, help me to remember all of those whose needs are great. We all suffer, and long for that palpable connection with you. We all need your healing. Annette needs your healing. Help her to know you are there with her. Amen
Becky, transforming
pic by Kay
Mark 7:31-37
This is another incidence of Jesus caring for those who are suffering from sicknesses and disabilities of one kind or another. That someone would be interested in them and especially be able to cure them is a gift from God. Despite the fact that a great number of people are neglected in the world today who need care and help, there are a still a great number of people who are dedicated to the poor and the sick. This is a gift from God, both for them and for the people they help. I know there are possibilities in my own life for some good deeds that could be done for someone I know. If I respond t…
Mark 7: 31-37
34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be open”)
Today’s passage is saying to me, open your ears, your mouth and mostly your heart. My ears need to be open in order to hear his message. My mouth to share, in some way, the life giving message of the Bible. And lastly my heart needs to stay open to receive his love. The love that is always forgiving.
Dearest Lord continue to give me the grace to receive your love and forgiveness. Let this love be noticed by the people I meet. In some way let me spread your message and love to all I meet. Amen.
2021-0223 Tuesday, Daily Devotion - Mark 7:31-37
Mark 7:31-34 (NIV)
31 Then Jesus left the vicinity of Tyre and went through Sidon, down to the Sea of Galilee and into the region of the Decapolis. 32 There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged Jesus to place his hand on him.
33 After he took him aside, away from the crowd, Jesus put his fingers into the man’s ears. Then he spit and touched the man’s tongue. 34 He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means “Be opened!”).
One of the unfamiliar things in Jesus’ healing might be spitting. But at that…
Mark 7:34 - “Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, ‘Ephphatha,’ that is, ‘Be opened.’”
Jesus was exhausted and needed rest so came north into Gentile territory as His mission was to the lost sheep of Israel. Nonetheless, His reputation preceded Him and the people in need of healing kept coming. His love and compassion for all would not allow Him to refuse the obvious need before Him. So, He sighed, cured the man and once again asked in vain for the miracle to be kept quiet. Learning to say no in the appropriate circumstances is important, but if it is within our power to help a real person in real need, Jesus’ model is to…