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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, September 14

Acts 16:25

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

This verse is imbedded in a story of Paul and Silas' imprisonment and release. They were wrongly accused and thrown into prison. Paul and Silas do not cease with their prayers, and they even are singing- loud enough that the other prisoners are listening. God causes the earth to rumble, the prison doors open, and He releases Paul and Silas. The jailer is amazed and begs to know God. It is a great event- but this small piece, the singing of hymns while imprisoned is so beautiful. If I imagine myself wrongly accused, beaten, and then put in chains in prison, can I also imagine singing hymns loud enough for other prisoners (and guards) to hear? This illustrates to me just how central music was (and still is) to our communication with God.

Holy Lord, I will continue to worship you fully through song. I thank you for this gracious gift. Amen

Becky, transforming

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
Sep 14, 2023

Acts 16:25

I love our hymns and I love singing them. This verse is telling me that no matter what my circumstance, I should still sing. In my work with the elderly in the nursing home, I always start with the same hymn, #494, Kum Ba Yah (Come by Here). We are asking God to come be with us as we tell our stories. After the story, we sing several other songs. Often the quietest resident who sat with her eyes closed—will start singing. Music is just amazing!

Prayer: Gracious God, I love singing your praises each day. Amen


Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
Sep 14, 2023

Thursday, September 14th, 2023

Acts 16:25

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.

Prior and continued verses helped me to understand this one verse. Paul and Silas commanded an evil spirit to come out of a slave girl, because of this they were beaten thrown into prison and had their feet shackled, yet they rejoiced by singing praises to God at midnight. They chose to rejoice and praise God despite their imprisonment. There is absolutely no place on this earth where you and I cannot talk to God. Many people today are also imprisoned and shackled by fear, worry and frustration over situations in their own lives. Go…


Sep 14, 2023

Acts 16:25 This Biblical scene was re-enacted tIme and time again in our own country where mistreated slaves often sang as they worked. A fascinating back story that I learned in seminary was that the gospel songs they sang were frequently a form of secret communication with each other, getting messages across and even between plantations. The Holy Spirit always has and will continue to work through music.

Prayer - Spirit of God, thank You for the gift of music as it brings healing, wholeness and conviction to hearts open to Your influence. Amen


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