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A Daily Devotion for Thursday, October 3

2Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,

This verse has always been thought-provoking for me. The New Testament was not a thing, yet. So Paul has to have been talking about the Old Testament writings at that time. He did not have the written gospels to refer to. For me, this is theology which was different in Paul’s time than it is now, for us. We have so much more written scripture to refer to. But I shouldn’t allow this theology to get in my way, and lead me to reject parts of the New Testament that I don’t agree with. It does open the door for discussion of different interpretations. I think that it pushes us to more discussion and less literal legalistic rule-making.

Holy Lord, there is so much that I do not understand. Help me, please, to find my way. Amen

Becky, transforming

Pic by Kay

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Rosalind Spiller
Rosalind Spiller
7 hours ago

2 Timothy 3:16

We must remember, God inspired the words of the Prophets, but God did not write the words, man did. We must remember that, especially when we have trouble understanding the meaning. BUT, there IS so much good about scripture. It contains such a wonderful blueprint for living the right way.

Prayer: Gracious God, thank you for inspiring us with your words and may we use them properly. Amen

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Beverly Flynn
Beverly Flynn
16 hours ago

Thursday October 3rd, 2024

2 Timothy 3:16

All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

Because I am becoming more familiar with God’s word,  it shows me the true condition of my heart. Because of this, I realize I am doing certain things that may not be pleasing to God. Like being jealous, angry, seeking revenge , mistrust etc. once I understand my motives I can repent and be forgiven. This allows me the experience of peace and joy . According to 2 Timothy 3:16 when I read his word and apply them to my life, I will be forgiven of my sin and once again be given the gra…

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2 days ago

2Timothy 3:16

Discussions about the divine inspiration of Scripture can generate sparks, but this needn’t be so. Paul uses evocative, descriptive language, but what it says to me is that God inspired certain saints and prophets to record their encounters with God to generate a sacred record for the benefit of those who came after them in the faith. They were all human authors, with human failings, limited by human language trying to convey the supernatural events associated with God’s actions and plans for creation. There were very likely times when mere words failed and allegory was the only thing that came close to their experience. We should be more concerned about the message at the core of their writing…

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2 days ago
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